Berlin: Critical Reconstruction
Pedro Baía (ed.)
This book, published by Circo de Ideias and edited by Pedro Baía, was presented in November 2008 as part of an international seminar that took place at the Serralves Auditorium and a cinema cycle held at Cinema Passos Manuel.
The critical reconstruction proposed in this book allows for two interpretations – a direct allusion to the urban planning method Kritiche Rekonstruktion developed by the architect Josef Paul Kleihues in the eighties, during the Internationale Bauausstellung – IBA; and the desire to critically reconstruct Berlin, to return to its history, its dilemmas, its controversies, reassessing and debating the results of this method.
The editorial project was supported by the Directorate-General for the Arts, by Caixa Geral de Depósitos and by the Goethe Institut.
Circo de Ideias 2008 / editor: Pedro Baía / authors: Rui Ramos Loza, Nuno Portas, Abílio Hernandez Cardoso, Pedro Barreto, Hubertus Siegert + Vesta Nele Zareh, Jorge Figueira, Carlos García Vázquez, António Guerreiro, Álvaro Siza, Inês Lobo + Pedro Domingos, Luis Tavares Pereira, Nuno Mateus, Jorge Carvalho + Christian Gänshirt, Paulo Providência, José Paulo dos Santos, Nuno Grande, Annalie Schoen + Ulla Luther, Ralph Stern, Gerrit Confurius, Hubertus Siegert + Rem Koolhaas, Pedro Baía + Hilmar von Lojewski / 200×225 / 169p / PT+EN / design: GSA / isbn: 978-989-95995-0-5