Interferências: arquitectura como multiplicidade

Susana Ventura

This book, published by Circo de Ideias and authored by Susana Ventura, with a preface by Pedro Machado Costa, brings together a set of 16 texts published between 2007 and 2019, a selection with which the author opposes the disciplinary categories underlying architecture with rhizomatic thinking, conceiving architecture as multiplicity, in which different interferences – from philosophy to the visual and plastic arts – and indefinite time coalesce.

The editorial project was supported by Direcção-Geral das Artes.

Circo de Ideias 2024 / author: Susana Ventura / preface: Pedro machado Costa / 130×170 / 192p / PT+EN / design: Ana Resende / isbn: 978-989-53415-8-0

