Koolhaas Tangram EN
Pedro Baía (ed.)
This book, published by Circo de Ideias and edited by Pedro Baía, presents a possible portrait of Rem Koolhaas through a set of essays on his work.
Inspired by the seven shapes of the tangram, the ancient chinese puzzle, the project of this book suggests that the work of Rem Koolhaas should be interpreted as a dynamic and playful object. Resonating the impact of Casa da Música in Portuguese architectural culture, seven Portuguese architecture critics discuss and propose a critical reception of Koolhaas’ particular polyhedric practice disseminated through architecture, urbanism, preservation, writing, curating, theory and media.
The editorial project was supported by the Directorate-General for the Arts and by Jofebar.
Circo de Ideias 2014 / editor: Pedro Baía / authors: Ana Vaz Milheiro, Inês Moreira, Jorge Figueira, José Miguel Rodrigues, Luís Santiago Baptista, Nuno Grande, Pedro Gadanho / 160×240 / 108p / EN / design: Ana Resende, Ana Palma Silva / isbn: 978-989-95995-9-8
Project financed by Direcção-Geral das Artes . Secretaria de Estado da Cultura / Sponsors: Jofebar, PanoramAH / Institutional support by: Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Global Art Affairs Foundation, Storefront for Art and Architecture, Casa da Música, Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa, Ordem dos Arquitectos – Secção Regional Norte, Embassy of the Netherlands in Lisbon, AICEP Portugal Global Nova Iorque