Música e Arquitectura no Barroco. A Igreja dos Clérigos como um instrumento musical

João Pedro Xavier

The book «Música e Arquitectura no Barroco. A Igreja dos Clérigos como um instrumento musical», published by Circo de Ideias and authored by João Pedro Xavier, with a preface by Cristina Fernandes, is built from a reflection on the relationship between architecture and music, considering the performance of spaces and music as an interdependent system, contributing to the idea that space is precisely the capital and mediator element of this relationship, through which the strongest link between the two arts is established and mutual influences arise.

The book is part of the collection «Lições de Arquitectura», an editorial project that aims to bring together a set of classes that portray contemporary thinking about the theory and practice of architecture.

The editorial project was supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), the Center for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism from Porto University (CEAU) and Irmandade dos Clérigos.

The book was shortlisted for the FAD Awards 2022 on Thought and Criticism category.

Circo de Ideias 2021 / author: João Pedro Xavier / preface: Cristina Fernandes / 140×230 / 84p / PT / design: Inês Nepomuceno, Mariana Marques / isbn: 978‐989‐53415‐0‐4

