Território: Casa Comum
Álvaro Domingues, Nuno Travasso (eds.)
This book, edited by Álvaro Domingues and Nuno Travasso, was published on the occasion of an exhibition held at Casa do Território, in Vila Nova de Famalicão, between 9 July 2015 and 29 February 2016, by the research group Morphologies and Dynamics of the Territory of the Center for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto.
Understanding the territory implies knowing it, but above all it implies inventing it. Fictionalize reality is a condition without which that reality remains opaque and indiscernible, without knowing what really interests us to decide collectively and which is within the reach of our action. These are the issues that build the territory as an essentially political issue and, therefore, subject to debate and deliberation. The territory is not predefined or stable. The idea of territory is being built by the set of readings, representations, discourses and debates collectively produced around what is (re) known as something common and that gives meaning to reality.
FAUP 2015 / editors: Álvaro Domingues, Nuno Travasso / 210×210 / 198p / PT / design: Ivo Poças Martins / isbn: 978-989-8527-07-3