Um Mapa de Lisboa no Cinema
Alexandra Areia, Inês Monteiro, Inês Sapeta Dias (eds.)
Um Mapa de Lisboa no Cinema is a journey through the city through the images and ideas of a series of films. Built from the transcription of interventions in viewing sessions dedicated to architecture in the cycle Topografias Imaginárias — organized since 2015 by the Videoteca do Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa — , the map results from the overlapping of two topographies: the topography of the films and the topography of the city. Using a method close to film montage, fragments of the interventions were reorganized and the images projected during the sessions were reorganized.
This book is a map, simultaneously real and imaginary, spatial and temporal, of the city of Lisbon. A map constructed by Inês Sapeta Dias, Alexandra Areia and Inês Monteiro based on the films: Crónica dos Bons Malandros, Três Palmeiras, O Estado das Coisas, Ruínas, Doc’s Kingdom, Ninguém Duas Vezes, Recordações da Casa Amarela, Divina Comédia, Corte de Cabelo, Mal, O Fantasma, Os Mutantes, Xavier.
Dafne Editora 2019 / editors: Alexandra Areia, Inês Monteiro, Inês Sapeta Dias / transcript: Youri Paiva / 150×225 / 264p / PT / design: Rui Silva (Alfaiataria) / isbn: 978-989-8217-49-3
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