Curating Ecologies on Architecture

Patrícia Coelho

From the early 20th century to the present day, architecture exhibitions have embraced different approaches and constructed other modes of action within the discipline. Ranging from canonical experiences centred on archives and collections to more performative and experimental practices, exhibitions have played a pivotal role in disseminating, diffusing and experimenting with architectural culture.

Curating Ecologies on Architecture offers a contemporary approach to the theme of curatorial practice in architecture, and how ecological issues have been addressed in the context of curatorial thinking and exhibition-making. It does so by interviewing five architects with a curatorial practice who are contributing to the debates in architecture, as well as exploring how to perceive the main challenges of our world(s): Paola Antonelli, Pedro Gadanho, Paula Nascimento, Marina Otero Verzier and Paulo Tavares.

Patrícia Coelho is an architect, curator and researcher. She investigates the expanded field of architecture and its intersection with ecology and the practice of curating.

Dpr-barcelona 2024 / autora: Patrícia Coelho / entrevistas: Paola Antonelli, Pedro Gadanho, Paula Nascimento, Marina Otero Verzier, Paulo Tavares / 175×110 / 132p / EN / design: Numa Merino Studio / isbn: 978-84-128922-0-8


