Towards Territorial Transition

Matthias Armengaud, Aglaée Degros, Radostina Radulova-Stahmer

Towards Territorial Transition presents new spatial strategies, concepts, and approaches for shaping large-scale and transnational developments in architecture and urban design towards decarbonization and ecological transition. The contributions investigate interactions between ecological and resource-related systems and landscapes. They explore potential solutions to address and deal with the dramatic threats posed by climate change, and with the social crisis that may emerge from them.

The book introduces six basic terms of territorial transition – Territory, Scale, Transition, Resource, Platform, and Uncertainty – and visualizes them with spatial strategies elaborated at the École nationale supérieure d’architecture Versailles and at Graz University of Technology. Moreover, it presents a selection of transnational projects of territorial transition, such as Luxembourg in Transition (Luxembourg / France), Grand Genève (Switzerland / France) and Top Noordrand (Belgium / Netherlands).

Park Books 2023 / editores: Matthias Armengaud, Aglaée Degros, Radostina Radulova-Stahmer / design: AWP Agence de reconfiguration territoriale / 195 x 240 / 240p / EN / isbn: 978-3-03860-305-4


